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Probleme fenetre
Modérateurs: Issun Dayo, reylan, Pilatomic
Auteur Message
mer. avril 09 2008, 10:56
Membre enregistré #187
Inscrit le: mer. avril 09 2008, 10:26
Messages: 1
J'utilise je crois JWM comme gestionnaire et depuis quelques temps, je vois difficilement la barre de titre des fenetres avec sur la gauche les icones pour réduire, maximiser ou fermer la fenetre, car la fenetre se maximise sur l'écran avec la barre de menu tout en haut. Il m'est alors très difficile d'atteindre la barre de titre,qui apparait sous la forme d'une ligne, et de la rendre visible en la faisant glisser vers le bas.
Je souhaiterais changer ce comportement mais je ne sais pas comment faire. Quelqu'un aurait il une idée?
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ven. nov. 25 2011, 10:26
Membre enregistré #626
Inscrit le: ven. nov. 25 2011, 10:24
Messages: 11
I'd like to tell you something about the roaming sims I use, provided by our local mobile roaming provider, which sells travel sims and mobile roaming sim cards, and provides data roaming on low charges. All my friends know, that when I'm on a trip, I use Cellular roaming sim cards to stay available on another number, which is provided by a Mobile roaming operator. I use mobile roaming when I'm in an other country to call my friends and transfer data by internet. Data roaming sim cards is another very important feature I use. I'm using data roaming sims on my iPad and iPod to use internet in roaming. Also, having a travel sim makes it easier to reduce Mobile Roaming Charges on Cellular roaming
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ven. nov. 25 2011, 10:26
Membre enregistré #626
Inscrit le: ven. nov. 25 2011, 10:24
Messages: 11
I'd like to tell you something about the roaming sims I use, provided by our local mobile roaming provider, which sells travel sims and mobile roaming sim cards, and provides data roaming on low charges. All my friends know, that when I'm on a trip, I use Cellular roaming sim cards to stay available on another number, which is provided by a Mobile roaming operator. I use mobile roaming when I'm in an other country to call my friends and transfer data by internet. Data roaming sim cards is another very important feature I use. I'm using data roaming sims on my iPad and iPod to use internet in roaming. Also, having a travel sim makes it easier to reduce Mobile Roaming Charges on Cellular roaming
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ven. nov. 25 2011, 10:29
Membre enregistré #626
Inscrit le: ven. nov. 25 2011, 10:24
Messages: 11
I'd like to tell you something about the roaming sims I use, provided by our local mobile roaming provider, which sells travel sims and mobile roaming sim cards, and provides data roaming on low charges. All my friends know, that when I'm on a trip, I use Cellular roaming sim cards to stay available on another number, which is provided by a Mobile roaming operator. I use mobile roaming when I'm in an other country to call my friends and transfer data by internet. Data roaming sim cards is another very important feature I use. I'm using data roaming sims on my iPad and iPod to use internet in roaming. Also, having a travel sim makes it easier to reduce Mobile Roaming Charges on Cellular roaming
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